VanEck Vectors Australian Subordinated Debt ETF (ASX:SUBD)

The VanEck SUBD ETF invests in a portfolio of Australian dollar-denominated subordinated bonds from a range of banks and insurance companies.

SUBD ETF review

SUBD share price and fees

SUBD fees

ASX ticker code: SUBD
Yearly fee (MER): 0.29%
FUM: $257.73 million
Monthly spread: 0.13%
Data Last Updated: July 2022

Analyst report

This ETF does not (yet) have an analyst report or rating available. If you would like to request our analyst team cover this ETF, please get in contact with us.

Fee comparison

SUBD yearly fee (MER)
0 %
Sector average fee (MER)
0 %

What does the SUBD ASX ETF invest in?

The SUBD ETF invests in Australian dollar-denominated subordinated bonds from a range of banks and insurance companies. These bonds, on average, have between 5 and 15 years to maturity, and almost all are issued by Australian companies.

What do investors use the SUBD ETF for?

Investors could use the SUBD ETF to diversify an existing equities portfolio and gain exposure to subordinated debt, or to create a regular income stream from the monthly distributions offered by this ETF.

How to buy the SUBD ETF

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SUBD investor starter pack


The Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) explains the fees, tax status and some of the risks.

SUBD literature

We’ve asked the ETF provider to share their best whitepapers & research with you.

SUBD holdings

The Best ETFs team occasionally upload the ETF’s latest investments, so you see what’s inside the ETF.

ASX: SUBD’s dividend 2021

SUBD dividend yield

Last 12m yield: 2.30%

When does SUBD pay a dividend?

SUBD dividend reinvestment plan (DRP)

Warnings we apply to the SUBD ETF

SUBD tax domicile

Fixed interest – Australia sector data

Sector average return (1Y)
0 %
Average FUM ($m)
$ 0
Average fee (MER)
0 %

How SUBD compares:

1Y return
0 %
FUM ($m)
$ 0
Fee (MER)
0 %
Sector information is recorded based on the last 12-month returns to July 2022. Refer to the Issuer’s website, speak to your financial adviser and always the fund’s Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before choosing an ETF for its dividend yield, past returns or fees. Past performance can be a poor indicator of future performance. 

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*The warnings on this page are applied by our ETF research team. Please know that these warnings are based on quantitative metrics and our internal methodology. These risks are not exhaustive and therefore they should not be relied upon. Always read the PDS of the function and speak to your financial adviser before acting on this information.

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